Post-merger Integration
Due-diligence is inadequate: accelerate value capture and reduce risk at the same time

What is it
The majority of large mergers fail to keep the promises that were made to stockholders when the merger was initially announced. The latent value in the pre-merger organizations is rarely fully exploited.
Matter’s approach to high-profile mergers includes:• Establishing clarity on value drivers and merger priorities;
- Aligning key stakeholders around the merger strategy and messaging prior to a public announcement;
- Collaborating to design the post-merger roadmap;
- Organizing, sequencing, and accelerating individual merger work streams.
How it works
Matter facilitates, accelerates, and de-risks all phases of high-profile mergers, from discrete pre-merger discussions and negotiations to designing the merger roadmap to accelerating the work of merger work streams working in parallel.
Our approach begins with two principal benefits:
- A profoundly collaborative methodology to involve key actors to ensure buy-in, understanding, and effective speedy implementation;
- A strong focus on identifying those processes and functions that will generate the value which the merger promises and accelerating the achievement of that promise.